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Solar Panel Orange County | Reasons Why Solar is Important for Our Future

Dec 16

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Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source. It provides power without the use of fossil fuels, natural gas or coal which pollutes our air. Solar panels can be installed on buildings to generate electricity for all sorts of uses such as heating water, powering lights and appliances, and running computers. In addition to producing no emissions from its operation, solar panels don’t create any noise pollution either. Solar power has been expanding in recent years because it’s a highly efficient way to produce electricity that costs less than other sources like coal or natural gas. And with technological advances improving efficiency further still, solar will only become more viable as time goes by – even if you take into account the current global recession slowing growth in this sector. The cost of solar energy has declined significantly in the past few years. Solar power is not just for large corporations or people that can afford expensive investments to help their businesses run on green electricity.

Solar energy is an excellent way to reduce our carbon footprint

Solar energy is an excellent way to reduce our carbon footprint. The solar panel industry has grown exponentially in the last decade, and it’s because of this growth that many people are now looking at solar power as a viable alternative to traditional sources like coal or natural gas.

Solar panels are made up of various materials, but the most common material used is silicon. Silicon is a semiconductor, which means that when light shines on it, some of it will be absorbed and turned into electrical current. This process happens without any moving parts—the only thing needed for a solar panel to generate electricity is sunlight!

Solar power can be used in remote areas with no access to traditional power sources

Solar power can be used in remote areas with no access to traditional power sources. There are many benefits of solar energy, but it is also important that the process of obtaining and using solar panels is not as simple as it sounds. The design and installation process needs to be done carefully so as to avoid any problems such as overheating or under-performance. Solar panels need sunlight for conversion into electricity, so they should face south, which will maximize exposure during the day and minimize exposure at night. It’s a good idea to place them where they won’t get blocked by trees or other obstacles that may grow over time—solar farms usually have rows facing due south on a slope oriented towards the sun’s path across the sky.

The solar industry employs more people than the coal, natural gas, and oil industries combined

Solar Panel / Solar Orange County

The solar industry employs more people than the coal, natural gas, and oil industries combined. Fossil fuels are on their way out as a major source of energy for powering homes and businesses across the world. Coal is being replaced by cleaner-burning natural gas, which in turn is being replaced by even cleaner-burning renewable sources like wind power and solar power. Solar power now accounts for more new electric generation capacity year after year than any other type of energy production worldwide!

A typical solar panel system costs less than a tank of heating oil per year

The typical solar panel system costs less than a tank of heating oil per year. As we all know, the price of energy has been going up every year and it’s only expected to continue that trend. We’ve seen gas prices go from $1/gallon in the 90s to over $4 today with no end in sight. The cost of electricity is also set to rise at least 10% this summer due to the high demand for natural gas which is used to generate electricity. This problem looks like it will get worse before it gets better unless you take action now! Luckily there are some great solutions out there that can help you save money on your energy bills while reducing your dependence on fossil fuels. One way people are saving money is by installing solar panels. Solar panel systems have come down in price by about 60% in the last few years, and they are expected to continue dropping in price as more people adopt this technology. A typical solar panel system costs less than a tank of heating oil per year, so it’s a great investment if you’re looking to save money on your energy bills. Not only will you be saving money, but you’ll also be doing your part to help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Solar panels are environmentally friendly - they don't emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic cells (PV), convert sunlight into electricity and can be used to power homes, businesses, and even cars. They’re also a sustainable energy source because the sun will never run out of fuel! The amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth’s surface is more than enough to supply all our current electricity needs many times over. The materials needed for modern PV modules – silicon and metal oxides – are common chemicals that occur naturally in the earth’s crust; they require only refining from their raw mineral form. Many PV components such as aluminum frames can be recycled at the end of their useful life without losing quality, making PV a very environmentally friendly technology.


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Installing a solar system on your roof provides you with free electricity for the next 25 years!

Solar Panel / Solar Orange County

We all know that we need to be more environmentally conscious and reduce our carbon footprint. But the truth is, it’s not easy for many of us to make those changes. Installing a solar system on your roof provides you with free electricity for the next 25 years! Not only does this mean you’ll never have to worry about buying or paying any sort of electric bill again, but as an added bonus you’ll also be doing something good for the environment. This may sound too good to be true, but SolarCity makes it easy – they handle everything from design through installation and even offer financing options so it doesn’t cost a fortune upfront.


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