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How Much Can You Save by Going Solar?

Jul 6

Inflation rates often increase the savings you can make by going solar. In California, for example, the recent percentage has climbed as high as 13%. Another way to decrease the cost of solar is to take advantage of a tax refund or investment tax credit. Inflation can make solar more expensive, but these programs can often be combined with other incentives. The best way to see whether solar will benefit your financial situation is to find out for yourself.

Calculating the payback period

You can calculate the payback period by using a few basic calculations, like dividing the project costs by the anticipated annual production. However, to get a more accurate estimate, you'll need to dig deeper. For example, a solar contractor can provide you with a spreadsheet-style document that pulls data from multiple sources, such as tax credits and state incentives. Then, divide the result by the estimated annual net-metered savings.

The average cost of installing solar panels

Compared to previous decades, solar options for homeowners are more affordable than ever. An average-sized solar system can cut your electric bill by over 50%, which adds up to over $30k over twenty years. With federal tax incentives, solar panels are becoming more affordable than ever. With solar purchase power agreements, homeowners can get panels for little or no money down, and start enjoying the savings immediately. Additionally, your home's value will rise because your utility bill will be less.

Local electricity rates

Although national averages are helpful when comparing solar energy costs, they do not give a full picture of the savings you will experience by installing solar panels. Savings vary based on the cost of grid energy and the size of the roof. The highest savings, however, will be seen in areas where the cost of grid electricity is high and solar energy costs are low. In Connecticut, for example, average electricity rates have risen to more than $18 per kilowatt-hour.

Tax incentives for going solar

The federal government offers tax incentives for going solar. These incentives are known as the Investment Tax Credit. They allow you to deduct the cost of installing a solar power system from your federal income taxes. However, these credits are set to decrease in the future. To get the most out of these tax breaks, you should install a solar panel system if you can qualify. The tax benefits are broken down based on the years when the tax incentives were available.

The time it takes to earn back the initial investment

If you're looking for an accurate estimate of how long it will take to earn back your initial investment by going solar, this article can help you find it. It provides general information and is not intended to provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. The payback time for a home solar system varies by state and can take anywhere from five to sixteen years, depending on the cost of electricity and incentives in your area.